Wednesday, 14 March 2012


The two pictures are from youtube, they show how maney people have watch my music video. 



Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Ad 1

Album advert plan

For my Album advert I am going to have Hey there delilah in big writing and a reaslea date underneath. At the bottom I will have some logos and may be a barcoad of some type.

Monday, 5 March 2012

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

My Plan for my digipak

I am going to use screen shots for all the pictures apart from the beach picture (the bit where the CD goes).

Sales of CD in the last five years

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Photoshop copying a digipak

The digipak that I have copied

The digipak that I have copied

My copied version

Monday, 20 February 2012

A set of rules for star image

The main rule I think is that is there should a picture of the main actor like in my one I will have the boy looking out to sea. Also the tital should be quite big as well.

List of things I need in my promotional package

For my digipak I will need to include a list of thing for when I am making my digipak.

1. On the front cover I will have a picture of the boy looking out to see and the title of the album.

2. On the back there will be a barcode, copy right info, production comperny logo, a list of tracks and a picture of the girl.

3. Here will be a picture of the girl on her own.

4. Will be a picture of the boy.

5. Might be a picture of the beack or the bench.

6. This part will have a picture of my two actors.

Thursday, 16 February 2012

The difference between digipak and CD cases


Digipak are mainly made out of cardboard and plastic trays or card capable of holding a CD. With digipacks you can have more information or pictures of it because it has more sides then a Jewel case. A bad thing about a digipak is that it will wear more and quicker the a Jewel case if handled inappropriate.

Jewel case

A Jewel case has been around a lot longer then a digipak, it proktckes the CD much better as it has a plastic (polystyrene) case. One main weaknesses is that the hinges, they are brital and will somethimes snap if put under pressur.  

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Font tests

Here are some fonts that I might use for my digipak/ Album advert.
Don't really like this one.

This font is my favourite because it looks good and I think it goes well with the theme of the song.

I don't like this one.

This font is to fancy for the song I think so I won't use it.

This is to bold and I don't like it.

Monday, 13 February 2012

Digipack - How Ed Sheeran promotes himselves

When Ed Sheeran  releases a new song or a new version he puts a copy of it on his website( People have commented on different parts of the song which they like.
You can also buy songs on the site and you can pre-order some songs.

On this website there is also a store where you can buy Music, Clothing and Accessories. In the music part you can buy CDs, Vinyl (12" or 7") and MP3s. You can buy a whole album or just one song. They have all the different album covers so you can tell them apart in a visual way.
This is one of the main pictures on the website (it is on every page), it is also the song cover for 'The A Team' one of his best/well know tracks. The picture has a pencil effect on it and this is carried on with the title.

I think that this will a good thing to have the same consistent effects because it shows unity. 

Ancillary Task

Ancillary Task:


CD/Album adverts

I have finshed editing my video and I am wating for some feed back.

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Rough Edit 3

I have finshed the Editing, I am now just looking for feed back to see if people have anything different to say. I need to change the version of the song because it is not very good.

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Rough Edited 2

This is my 2nd rough edit, I have moved some of the clips around and add some.

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Monday, 23 January 2012

Editing 3

Filming went well, I got all the shots that I wanted. I am now editing them together and will have a rough edit up soon. 


I have my last bit of filming to do today, I am going to the beach to get those shots done. I have made a shoting skriped for today:


Looking out to sea:
Lots of differents angles so I can have some to chouse from. But mainley a long shot about 20s long.

Siting in the sand dunes:
Mid shots to long shots of the boy sitting down. At least 15s for each shots + angles.

I also need to get a Location shots of the beach and dunes.

Saturday, 14 January 2012

Editing 2

I have done some more editing, but I still have some more filming to do.